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For endtime


In the previous rotulus, we delved into the valley of dry bones. It was recalled how that the nation Israel fought many wars in recent times the same as the days of old and how that God gave them victory in those wars. We walked through the 6-Day War, Yom Kippur War (Holy War) among many others. It was miraculous how God gave them victory round about them. The theme,  “God’s end-time dealings with Israel”  is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures, expectations for Israel at this end of time.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the Historic Wars. It was recalled how that the nation Israel fought many wars in recent times same as the days of old and how that God gave them victory in those wars. We walked through the 6-Day War, Yom Kippur War (Holy War) among many others. It was miraculous how God gave them victory round about them. The theme, “God’s end-time dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures, expectations for Israel at this end of time.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the Arabic Hatred. It was highlighted how that the Arab nations around Israel have a persistent hatred towards the nation Israel. This hatred is not a new fact as we traced it all the way back to the days of Abraham yet this hatred was more pronounced in this end-time. The theme, “God’s end-time dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures, expectations for Israel at this end of time.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the fishers and the hunters as stated in Jeremiah 16:16. It was emphasized, how that God sent fishers to start the process of restoration of Israel and when they wouldn’t yield, He, the Lord, sent hunters to hunt them from the crannies where they were dispersed and as a result of that, the nation Israel brought forth its leaves—a nation was formed in a day. The theme, “God’s endtime dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures, expectations for Israel at this end of time.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the second phase of restoration for the Nation of Israel. It was noted that even though God brought Israel out of Egypt, He promised to bring them out from Babylon (The Land of The North) and from all lands He has driven them (this incorporates the lost ten tribes) back to the land of Israel. The theme, “God’s endtime dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures, expectations for Israel in this end of time.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the second phase of dispersion for the Nation of Israel. It was noted that the Nation Israel rejected the Messiah and God cut them off the second time. The temple was destroyed under General Titus Vespasian and no christian died as they had all fled to Pella. The theme, “God’s endtime dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures expectations for Israel in this end of time.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the first phase of restoration for the Nation of Israel. It was noted that the Nation Israel was divided before the dispersion and in history, only the Southern kingdom were restored, the Northern tribes were not restored. The theme, “God’s endtime dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures expectations for Israel in this end of time.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the dispersion of the Nation of Israel. Shalmaneser the Assyrian besieged the 10 Northern kingdoms while Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian—the 2 Southern kingdoms. The theme, “God’s endtime dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures’ expectations for Israel at this end of time.

God is the God of restoration. The psalmist said God should not cast off Israel forever (Psalms 44:23) and as such God restored Israel—though there is a yet another restoration to the Nation of Israel in the future.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the division of the Nation of Israel into 2—10 Northern kingdoms and 2 Southern kingdoms (Judah and Benjamin). The theme, “God’s endtime dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures expectations for Israel in this end of time.

In fulfilment of His word, God dispersed the nation of Israel to other Nations for their disobedience and rebellion. We must understand that this dispersion was not a one-step process but occured in time, in history, and will still occur in near future.

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In the previous rotulus, we delved into the Nation Israel—running through the promise of God to Abraham, the establishment of the Nation Israel and the Israel-Arab connections. The theme, “God’s endtime dealings with Israel” is to walk Israel through history and convey by the scriptures expectations for Israel in this end of time.

And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

—Joel 2:25

The people of Israel eventually got into the promise land yet Satan’s charade of attack was not yet over. This is because Satan knows the placement of Israel and the glory Israel has with God.

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